Over The Moon Images Strikes Again!

Remember this image? Don't worry, I'll refresh your memory.
Sarah and I were at the Ice Castles in Midway, Utah, last winter and we came upon this darling couple sharing a moment together.
I snapped this image and then yelled into the crowd, "Kiss the girl!"
And the entire place froze.
Everyone turned to look and me and that's when I remembered, "I'm in Utah, where public displays of affection are rare, if not non-existant."
Now, had that couple been of the "rare" persuasion, they would have received, not only this image, but any moments I happened to catch.
But alas, for them it was not to be...
Enter Stephen and Amanda!
Sarah and I were in San Francisco last weekend for a one-day shooting excursion.
On our itinerary was the Sutro Baths at sunset. When we arrived we came upon a couple sharing a special moment together. They were perfectly poised upon a wall in deep silhouette against the setting sun and I couldn't resist shooting this image.

After I shot this image, I approached the couple, showed them the back of my camera and asked if they would be interested in doing a few more poses in exchange for free images. They readily accepted! Below are the rest of the images.

Maybe the next time Over The Moon Images is out and about, we'll have an opportunity to capture a moment that matters to you, too!